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Durst. The industrial inkjet specialist

Since 1936 Durst has been responsible for pioneering better and faster methods of large format image reproduction. The company started with analogue photo technology and later moved into digital photo laser imaging.

It was one of the first to develop large format inkjet printing, initially for the graphic arts market and, most recently, it successfully extended the technology to different industrial inkjet applications.


Today, we see ourselves as an industrial inkjet specialist. Our new research building in Lienz, Austria, is evidence of our commitment to both the science of inkjet printing and our pursuit of new applications for inkjet printing.Our systems have the ability to change existing markets and provide our customers with new business opportunities. We also make it our duty to ensure sustainable development, providing machines that are kinder to the environment and use much less ink and energy.


We are concerned with minimising storage and wastage by providing the ability to print on demand across many different applications and industries.

By optimising the performance of our printers through both physical and chemical sciences, we succeed in providing our customers with a competitive and profitable edge.That is why we believe that Durst is: “The industrial inkjet specialist.”


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